Friday, February 02, 2007

The headhunter

Would you say it’s a sign when a headhunter knocks on your door? I’m going with yes. A week or so ago I received an email from a headhunter who received my contact info from a friend of mine. She didn’t know if I was looking but she wanted to meet up and see what my interests surrounded. Well little did she know my interests were surrounding a new job!

Headhunters are interesting people. They get commission from the company for every person they place and for them it’s all about relationships. It isn’t like a staffing agency where people tend to flow in and out of companies. It’s about placement that works because their reputation is on the line. I wasn’t really sure what a headhunter should look like. I guess I imagined someone who wore all black, read the trades targeting people who were the subject of various articles, oh and I guess I thought they could appear and vanish in the blink of an eye. I mean you hear about headhunters all the time, but you never really know who they are and where they work/live.

The initial meeting with this woman was quite interesting. It took place at a random Starbucks in a random part of the city on a random night. Needless to say our conversation was sooo random. She was short and round with a laugh that shook our table and spilled my coffee every few minutes. Most of the night we spoke about her pet puppy. This was actually kind of sad. Her puppy has diabetes. I won’t bombard you with the gory details as she did for me, but the whole conversation was kind of awkward. I walked away thinking, what could this woman really do for me?

Well, I have an interview today because of her with a film based company. Cross your fingers.

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